Steklarna Hrastnik

Manufacture of premium glass packaging

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Since 1860, Steklarna Hrastnik has been a reputable global business partner in the development and production of premium glass packaging in the highest quality segment of spirits and perfumery.

  • Company name: Steklarna Hrastnik, družba za proizvodnjo steklenih izdelkov, d.o.o.
  • Core business: Manufacture of premium glass packaging

Our clients respect the production of technically demanding products from one of the clearest glass in the world and an offer of a whole package of services, including design, development, manufacture of high-quality glass products, graphic artwork design and decoration of bottles, packing and logistic solutions. All in one place.

Partner events

01.10. - 05.10.2021 / Slovenian Pavillon

Circular and Green Economy Delegation

02.10.2021 / 11:00 / Slovenian business center

Business forum Slovenian Green and Circular Economy

04.10.2021 / 11:00 / Slovenian business center

Steklarna Hrastnik

25.03.2022 / 10:00 / Slovenian Business Center

Dogodek podjetja Steklarna Hrastnik

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SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency
Verovškova 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana +386 1 589 18 70